I'd like to thank everyone who responded. As of this post, we had 45 people who answered the survey, which was more than I expected. I've been keeping track of the survey, and it was pretty steady in the days past. Every so often the number would change, but it's pretty much the same answers.
I used SurveyMonkey because it was free, and I heard good feedback about it from other users. I also noted that it was difficult even for the admin to change the results, which was a good thing. Unfortunately, the limits of the free service won't allow me to download the charts. I could take a screenshot but you'll see a big read "sample" across the image.
I said that I would deliver the results by May 1, and it's already a day since. Here are the results of the survey as conducted by this blog.
Barrera, Bernard Polido "Dodoy"; (LP ) 5/45 (11.1%)
Ebbay, Wilbert Español "Weng"; (IND. ) 2/45 (4.4%)
Ecunar, Pedro Cleto "Pete"; (LM ) 24/45 (53.3%)
Moraña, Jean Misa "Jean"; (LKS-KAM ) 14/45 (31.1%)Vice Mayor
Ebuen, Jury Hermogino "Toman"; (LM ) 16/45 (38.1%)
Edejer, Ilirmo Ebilane "Emi"; (LKS-KAM ) 15/45 (35.7%)Hermoso, Gilbert Austria "Bert"; (LP ) 11/45 (26.2%)
For this, I decided to take a screenshot and chance the red "sample" across it. It'll show the top 8 councilors for this survey.

Note: Please right click the photo & choose "View image" to see it clearly. The layout of the blog is distorting it. My apologies.
All results were taken on May 2, 2010, 7:00 PM.
Thank you for all those who participated! By no means does this survey show the actual standing of the candidates, but it shows the popular vote of the people who responded to the survey. Please don't forget to vote wisely and responsibly. Vote for the one who you think deserves it even if you think they don't have a chance of winning. You'll never know. :)
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